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2019 Australian Web Awards

2019 Australian Web Awards

The last 12 months have been a busy time for us here at Digital Meal but between all the hustle and bustle we did find the time to redesign our own website, something the whole team had been asking for.

As part of this redesign we submitted our website to the Australian Web Awards. This was our first submission to the Web Awards and we were overjoyed to hear we had been named a National Finalist for the startup category! It was a great achievement and honour to receive this award as our new site was the combination of many months of hard work from all of us.

But it doesn’t stop here. At Digital Meal we’re always striving to improve ourselves and what we offer our clients while providing the highest level of quality in everything we do. Being named a National Finalist just makes us want to try even harder.

For a full list of award winners, visit the official Australian Web Awards website.

Article Name
2019 Australian Web Awards
It's been a busy time at Digital Meal, but between all the hustle and bustle we managed to be named a National Finalist for our new website!
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Digital Meal
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